Article information

2011 , Volume 16, ¹ 3, p.3-14

Akume D.

Comparing value-at-risk and tail conditional expectation in shortfall-constrained portfolio selection

We compare value-at-risk (VaR) and tail conditional expectation (TCE) as risk bounds in determining optimal portfolio strategies, in a Black — Scholes market. Our numerical procedure leads to an approximate solution to the problem, which enables us to verify that, be it tail conditional expectation or value-at-risk, the imposition of the constraint curbs investment in risky assets in much the same way, despite TCE being a coherent risk measure and value-at-risk not being coherent. Our numerical simulation also enables us to confirm that TCE takes a bigger numerical value than VaR to produce the the same limiting effect.

[full text]
Keywords: financial market, market model, optimal portfolio choice, risky assets, numerical procedure, approximate solution

Akume Daniel
Office: Computer Science Department, University of Buea, Cameroon
Address: Cameroon, Buea

Bibliography link:
Akume D. Comparing value-at-risk and tail conditional expectation in shortfall-constrained portfolio selection // Computational technologies. 2011. V. 16. ¹ 3. P. 3-14
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