Article information

2006 , Volume 11, Special issue, p.19-26

Vaskevich V.L.

On the variation of error of a cubature formula due to small perturbations of its weights

In the paper we examine how the error of a given cubature formula varies under small perturbations of its weights. Considering this problem in Sobolev spaces of periodic functions of finite smoothness we establish that the norm of a perturbed error functional does not exceed one and a half of the norm of the initial error functional provided that the number of nodes of a cubature formula under study is not greater then some upper boundary. This upper boundary depends on the smoothness of integrands, the dimension of the space of independent variables, and the constants of the machine arithmetic.

[full text]

Vaskevich V.L.
Senior Scientist
Position: Associate Professor
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 333 06 84

Bibliography link:
Vaskevich V.L. On the variation of error of a cubature formula due to small perturbations of its weights // Computational technologies. 2006. V. 11. Special issue. P. 19-26
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