Article information

2005 , Volume 10, Special issue, p.112-117

Ignatov R.Y., Akimov I.V.

The influence of vertical structure of temperature and humidity for calculation of precipitation

The influence of the vertical structure of temperature and humidity on precipitation was analyzed using the parameterization developed in HMC. The analysis of the experiments has shown that the vertical structure of temperature and humidity has an influence on the simulations of precipitation. The absence of data for three isobaric surfaces (925, 775 and 600 hPa) or on each of them leads to the decrease in the insensitivity of precipitation over the main part of the oceans. Over the land this condition doesn't work everywhere.

[full text]
Keywords: Modeling, water balance, numerical experiments with total circulation models and with regional models

Ignatov Roman Yurevich
Position: Meteorologist
Office: Hydrometeorological Research Center of Russia
Address: Russia, Moscow, Bolshoy Predtechensky per., 11-13
Phone Office: (095) 255 22 95

Akimov Ivan Vladimirovich
Office: Hydrometeorological Research Center of Russia
Address: Russia, Moscow, Bolshoy Predtechensky per., 11-13
Phone Office: (095) 255 22 95

Bibliography link:
Ignatov R.Y., Akimov I.V. The influence of vertical structure of temperature and humidity for calculation of precipitation // Computational technologies. 2005. V. 10. Special issue. Proceedings of the International Conference and the School of Young Scientists “Computational and informational technologies for environmental sciences” (CITES 2005). Tomsk, 13-23 March 2005. Part 1. P. 112-117
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