Article information
2005 , Volume 10, Special issue, p.7-13
Alexeev A.S., Bredikhin S.V., Glinskii B.M., Piskunov S.V.
The Grid-segment based on SSCC SB RAS
This article describes the Grid project the main goal of which is building up a grid segment utilizing informational and computing resources of SSCC SB RAS. The article addresses history of this work and the vision of current tendencies on the utilization of shared information and computational resources. Main attention is concentrated on an architecture and a content of the segment. General information on the project is presented.
[full text] Author(s): Alexeev A.S. Address: Russia, Novosibirsk
E-mail: Bredikhin S.V. Address: Russia, Novosibirsk
E-mail: Glinskii B.M. Address: Russia, Novosibirsk
E-mail: Piskunov S.V. Address: Russia, Novosibirsk
Bibliography link: Alexeev A.S., Bredikhin S.V., Glinskii B.M., Piskunov S.V. The Grid-segment based on SSCC SB RAS // Computational technologies. 2005. V. 10. Special issue. Proceedings of the IX Workshop on the Electronic Publications (El-Pub2004) Novosibirsk, 23-25 September 2004. P. 7-13