Article information

2005 , Volume 10, ¹ 2, p.87-105

Olemskoy I.V.

Explicit fifth-order method of Runge-Kutta type

An explicit one-step method is suggested for numerical integration of the ordinary differential equation system of a special type. Economical numerical schemes of the fifth order are constructed for the integration of both systems and second-order differential equations of this special type. The algorithm of allocation of structural features of the special type is described.

[full text]

Olemskoy Igor Vladimirovich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Address: 198330, Russia, St-Petersburg

Bibliography link:
Olemskoy I.V. Explicit fifth-order method of Runge-Kutta type // Computational technologies. 2005. V. 10. ¹ 2. P. 87-105
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