Article information

2005 , Volume 10, ¹ 1, p.90-102

Nikolaev Y.V.

About numerical solution of A.N. Kraiko problem

The problem, suggested by A.N.Kraiko in the series of articles [1-5], is investigated. In these articles the process of a strong compression of a one-dimensional gas layer "from quiescent to the quiescent state" without formation of shock waves is considered. Other authors investigate similar problems on a compression of a quiescent gas into a moving uniform flow. In this case the energy of external compressing power is spent both on the compression and acceleration of gas. The way of compression, suggested by A.N.Kraiko, is optimal from the viewpoint of energy losses: quiescent gas is compressed to the quiescent one, therefore energy is spent on compression only.

[full text]

Nikolaev Yu V
Address: Russia, Ekaterinburg

Bibliography link:
Nikolaev Y.V. About numerical solution of A.N. Kraiko problem // Computational technologies. 2005. V. 10. ¹ 1. P. 90-102
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