Article information

2004 , Volume 9, ¹ 3, p.22-38

Afanasiev K.E., Berezin E.N.

Analysis of dynamic characteristics in case of interaction of a solitary wave with an obstacle

This work investigates interaction of a solitary wave with a solid body partially submerged into fluid. Kinematic characteristics of the arising flow are presented Dynamic load variations during interaction of surface waves with a fixed solid body have been studied. Main attention is paid to investigation of the fluid flow arising behind the solid. The problem in the fully nonlinear formulation is solved by the boundary element method.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*76B15 Water waves, gravity waves; dispersion and scattering, nonlinear interaction
76M10 Finite element methods

Keywords: finite element analysis, wave motion

Afanasiev Konstantin Evgenievich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Vice-Rector
Office: Kemerovo State University, Computer Centre
Address: 650043, Russia, Kemerovo, Krasnaya str. 6
Phone Office: (3842) 58 33 41

Berezin Evgeny Nikolaevich
Position: Assistent
Office: Kemerovo State University, Computer Centre
Address: 650043, Russia, Kemerovo, Krasnaya str. 6
Phone Office: (3842) 584403

Bibliography link:
Afanasiev K.E., Berezin E.N. Analysis of dynamic characteristics in case of interaction of a solitary wave with an obstacle // Computational technologies. 2004. V. 9. ¹ 3. P. 22-38
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