Информация о статье

2002 г., Том 7, Спец. выпуск, с.12-23

Барбе А.

Инфракрасная спектроскопия озона с высоким разрешением: средство для наблюдения за атмосферой

We describe the way to create and update a linelist available for the ozone molecule, directly suitable for atmospheric users: We give the experimental set-up: High resolution spectrometers, ozone generation, multifit programs for parameters retrievals. A particular attention is paid for the accuracies of theses parameters: positions, intensities and air broadening coefficients. A general review from the linelist from 800 to 6000 [Java Applet] is shown, as well as the most recent results mainly concerned with [Java Applet] enriched isotopes. We suggest to use the new website devoted to the ozone molecule in order to know the real agreement between laboratory data and synthetic spectra based on this linelist: This may allow to know the real accuracy of the geophysical parameters derived from HR atmospheric spectra.

Библиографическая ссылка:
Барбе А. Инфракрасная спектроскопия озона с высоким разрешением: средство для наблюдения за атмосферой // Вычислительные технологии. 2002. Т. 7. Специальный выпуск. С. 12-23
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