Article information
2002 , Volume 7, Special issue, p.48-56
Zakarin E.
Modeling and monitoring of urban atmospheric pollution in a composition of geographic information system
The system of modeling and monitoring of air pollution in Almaty (Kazakhstan) is considered. The system is based on the geoinformation technology with involving in its composition of an ultrasonic sounding unit (sodar) and mathematical model of transport and dispersion of contaminants. Sodar provides the data of the wind velocity vertical distribution and inversion layer dynamics. The mathematical model is used for calculations of air quality in typical meteorological situations (classes).
Classificator Msc2000:- *86A10 Meteorology and atmospheric physics
- 91B76 Environmental economics (natural resource models, harvesting, pollution, etc.)
- 92F05 Other natural sciences
Keywords: geographic information system research, deep convection
Author(s): Zakarin E Dr. Office: Space Research Institute Address: Kazakhstan, Almatu
Bibliography link: Zakarin E. Modeling and monitoring of urban atmospheric pollution in a composition of geographic information system // Computational technologies. 2002. V. 7. Special issue. P. 48-56