Article information
2002 , Volume 7, ¹ 6, p.24-37
Zverev V.G., Goldin V.D.
Finite-difference scheme for solving convection-diffusion problems of heat-mass exchange
The three-point finite-difference monotonous scheme on non-uniform grid for solving convective-diffusion transport equation with source, discontinuous coefficients and boundary conditions of a general type is suggested. The construction of the scheme is based on the application of analytical solution of non-homogeneous differential equation of the second order with constant coefficients and linear right-hand side. This solution is locally exact within the grid step interval. The asymptotic of scheme coefficients for small values of grid parameter is investigated and the relation to spline approximation schemes is shown. The efficiency of difference scheme application is verified by test calculations.
[full text] Classificator Msc2000:- *80A20 Heat and mass transfer, heat flow
- 80M20 Finite difference methods
Keywords: convection-diffusion problem, relaxation method, one-dimensional steady-state convection-diffusion equation, viscosity
Author(s): Zverev Valentin Georgievich Office: Tomsk State University Address: 634029, Russia, Tomsk
Phone Office: (3822) 52 96 69 E-mail: Goldin V D Office: Tomsk State University Address: 634029, Russia, Tomsk
Phone Office: (3832)232791 E-mail:
Bibliography link: Zverev V.G., Goldin V.D. Finite-difference scheme for solving convection-diffusion problems of heat-mass exchange // Computational technologies. 2002. V. 7. ¹ 6. P. 24-37