Article information

2001 , Volume 6, ¹ 1, p.3-12

Govorukhin V.N., Shevtchenko I.V.

Numerical solution of Darcy plane convection problem on a distributed-memory computer

The paper represents a parallel algorithm of numerical solution of plane filtrational convection problem, based on Galerkin and Runge-Kutta methods, for the nCube 2S. Some data distribution schemes, evaluation of space and computational complexity, relative speedup and efficiency for the algorithm are given. Results of numerical experiments at various values of a parameter are offered. Periodic and chaotic regimes of plane filtrational convection problem have been discovered.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*65Y05 Parallel computation
76M20 Finite difference methods
76R10 Free convection
76S05 Flows in porous media; filtration; seepage
80A20 Heat and mass transfer, heat flow
Classificator Computer Science:
*G.4 Mathematical Software
G.1.0 General (Numerical Analysis)
J.2 Physical Sciences and Engineering (Computer Applications)

Keywords: Darcy law, parallel computation, Galerkin method, Runge-Kutta method, periodic mode, chaotic mode, initial-boundary value problem, gravitational convection, distributed memory computer nCube 2S

Govorukhin V N
Address: Russia, Rostov

Shevtchenko I.V.
Office: Rostov SU
Address: Russia, Rostov

Bibliography link:
Govorukhin V.N., Shevtchenko I.V. Numerical solution of Darcy plane convection problem on a distributed-memory computer // Computational technologies. 2001. V. 6. ¹ 1. P. 3-12
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