Article information
2000 , Volume 5, ¹ 4, p.67-81
Kropat E., Pickl S., Ressler A., Weber G.W.
A new algorithm from semi-infinite optimization for a problem of time-minimal control
This article is devoted to a problem, given by Time Minimal heating (or cooling) of a ball. In this example of an optimal control problem, we consider questions concerned with problem representation, theoretical and practical solvability and structural frontiers.
[full text] Classificator Msc2000:- *49J20 Optimal control problems involving partial differential equations
- 49J35 Minimax problems
- 49M30 Other methods, not based on necessary conditions (penalty function, etc.)
- 65K10 Optimization and variational techniques
- 90C05 Linear programming
- 90C34 Semi-infinite programming
Classificator Computer Science:- *G.1.6 Optimization
Keywords: semi-infinite optimization, time-minimal control problem, heating and cooling, two-stage optimization
Author(s): Kropat E Address: Germany, Berlin
Pickl S. Address: Germany, Berlin
Ressler A Address: Germany, Berlin
Weber GerhardW. Office: Institute of Applied Mathematics, METU Address: 64289, Turkey, Ankara
Bibliography link: Kropat E., Pickl S., Ressler A., Weber G.W. A new algorithm from semi-infinite optimization for a problem of time-minimal control // Computational technologies. 2000. V. 5. ¹ 4. P. 67-81