Article information
2000 , Volume 5, ¹ 4, p.40-54
Grigoryev Y.M., Revuzhenko A.F.
A three-dimensional problem on a mass transfer by tidal waves
A three-dimensional model is considered which allows one to describe an experimental result and to evaluate a mass transfer effect of a tidal wave. A quaternionic general solution of the Stokes system is obtained.
[full text] Classificator Msc2000:- *65P99 None of the above, but in this section
- 80A20 Heat and mass transfer, heat flow
- 74J99 None of the above, but in this section
Keywords: mass transfer problem, three-dimensional problem, tidal wave, Stokes system
Author(s): Grigoryev Yurii Mikhailovich Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (3832) 333178 E-mail: Revuzhenko Aleksandr Fillipovich Office: Institute of Mining of SB RAS Address: 630091, Russia, Novosibirsk, Krasnui ave., 54
Phone Office: (3832)903531 E-mail:
Bibliography link: Grigoryev Y.M., Revuzhenko A.F. A three-dimensional problem on a mass transfer by tidal waves // Computational technologies. 2000. V. 5. ¹ 4. P. 40-54