Article information

2023 , Volume 28, ¹ 5, p.45-54

Bandurin N.G., Klochkov Y.V., Vakhnina O.V., Andreev A.S., Perevozkina Y.M.

A new technique for solving nonlinear ordinary differential equations

In this paper, the concept of “a new method for solving equations” means that, for the first time in the history of numerical methods, there is no need to choose a solution method and program task. It is enough to enter in the order specified by the instruction only the necessary initial data: the texts of the equations, boundary conditions, the initial approximation and the parameters of the grid of nodes. Before, to solve non-linear differential equations it was necessary to use the described program with high accuracy in the form of tables of desired functions or their derivatives.

The Bounds1 program written in Delphi 7 algorithmic language is not intended for commercial use and can be freely used by the readers of the journal.

[full text]
Keywords: interpolation procedure, boundary conditions, non-linear ordinary differential equations

Bandurin Nikolay Grigorievich
Dr. , Professor
Office: Volgograd State Technical University
Address: 400074, Russia, Volgograd, 1 Akademicheskaya Street
Phone Office: (919) 541-06-97
SPIN-code: 1684-8285

Klochkov Yuriy Vasilievich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Chair
Office: Volgograd State Agricultural University
Address: 400002, Russia, Volgograd, Universitetsky Ave., 26
Phone Office: (8442) 41-13 -24
SPIN-code: 9436-3693

Vakhnina Olga Vladimirovna
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Office: Volgograd State Agricultural University
Address: 400002, Russia, Volgograd, Universitetsky Ave., 26
Phone Office: (8442) 41-13 -24
SPIN-code: 3593-0159

Andreev Aleksandr Sergeevich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Office: Volgograd State Agricultural University
Address: 400002, Russia, Volgograd, Universitetsky Ave., 26
Phone Office: (8442) 41-13 -24
SPIN-code: 7568-5011

Perevozkina Yuliya Mikhaylovna
Position: Senior Fellow
Office: Volgograd State Agricultural University
Address: 400002, Russia, Volgograd, Universitetsky Ave., 26
Phone Office: (8442) 41-13 -24
SPIN-code: 3417-8868

Bibliography link:
Bandurin N.G., Klochkov Y.V., Vakhnina O.V., Andreev A.S., Perevozkina Y.M. A new technique for solving nonlinear ordinary differential equations // Computational technologies. 2023. V. 28. ¹ 5. P. 45-54
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