Article information

2023 , Volume 28, ¹ 3, p.10-24

Mirzaev I., Shomurodov J.F.

Unsteady waves in an extended underground pipeline under seismic action

The research addresses an extended underground pipeline subjected to a seismic wave propaga-ting along its axis. Problems of action of long waves on an extended underground pipeline for linear and nonlinear interaction of the pipeline with the ground are considered. In case of nonlinear interaction dynamic processes are described by nonlinear Klein – Gordon wave equation. The problem of encounter for seismic wave of various forms with an extended underground pipeline has been solved using the finite difference method. Problems with non-linear interaction of pipeline and ground are solved and the obtained results are analyzed. From the analytical solution of a stationary problem for an infinite pipeline under sinusoidal action, it is known that if the wave propagation velocity in the soil is greater than the wave propagation velocity in the pipeline, so the maximum deformation is twice the maximum deformation in the soil. On the basis of numerical solution of non-stationary problem for a finite pipeline it is found that only the discontinuity at the front of deformation wave in the ground leads to this phenomenon. If there are no these discontinuities, then as the strain rate in the ground decreases, the maximum strain in the pipeline beyond the wave front decreases and tends to the maximum ground strain. Conducted researches of one-dimensional problem of seismic wave action on extended underground pipeline justify applicability of implicit difference schemes with practically necessary time step to solve seismodynamic problems of spatially spaced underground pipeline systems.

[full text]
Keywords: difference diagram, wave, ground, pipeline, elasticity, ductility, fracture, dry friction

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2023.28.3.002

Mirzaev Ibrakhim
Dr. , Professor
Office: Tashkent State transport University
Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent
SPIN-code: 8311-9041

Shomurodov Jakhongir Farkhodovich
Position: person working for doctors degree
Office: Tashkent State transport University
Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent

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Bibliography link:
Mirzaev I., Shomurodov J.F. Unsteady waves in an extended underground pipeline under seismic action // Computational technologies. 2023. V. 28. ¹ 3. P. 10-24
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