Article information

2022 , Volume 27, ¹ 5, p.5-13

Dunaev M.P., Dovudov S.U., Arshinskiy L.V.

Simulation of losses in autonomous inverter circuits with pulse-width and pulse-frequency modulation

The article discusses the issues of sinusoidal pulse-frequency modulation in au- tonomous voltage inverters instead of sinusoidal pulse-width modulation. Analytical expressions describing static and dynamic power losses in power semiconductor diodes and transistors are also given. It is shown that the use of the method of frequency-pulse modulation will reduce dynamic losses in semiconductor switches

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Keywords: autonomous voltage inverter, pulse-frequency modulation, simulation, losses

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2022.27.5.002

Dunaev Mikhail Pavlovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Address: 664074, Russia, Irkutsk, Lermontova st., 83

Dovudov Sarfaroz Umedovich
Position: Student
Office: Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Address: 664074, Russia, Irkutsk, Lermontova st., 83

Arshinskiy Leonid Vadimovich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Irkutsk State Transport University
Address: 664074, Russia, Irkutsk, Chernyshevskogo st., 15
Phone Office: (395) 2638959


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Bibliography link:
Dunaev M.P., Dovudov S.U., Arshinskiy L.V. Simulation of losses in autonomous inverter circuits with pulse-width and pulse-frequency modulation // Computational technologies. 2022. V. 27. ¹ 5. P. 5-13
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