Article information

2021 , Volume 26, ¹ 6, p.20-32

Bautin S.P., Nikolaev I.V.

Numerical solution of the gas compression problem at a specified law of action

Controlled thermonuclear fusion (CTF) is an almost unlimited source of energy and scientists have been studying it for several decades. This requires an efficient and stable compression of diyterium-tritium fuel to a very high density.

This work addresses shockless one-dimensional (plane, cylindrical and spherical symmetry cases) “compression from rest to rest”, when gas from the initial resting state under the influence of an impenetrable piston is shocklessly transferred to a resting homogeneous state, but compressed by 10 000 times. This compression is energetically most advantageous, because work is spent only on the compression, but not on the gas acceleration. Earlier [10] this problem was solved in the opposite direction of time change. In this case, a density jump occurs on the piston which was taken into account in calculations [3] at the final moment of compression. The numerical solution of this problem in the opposite direction of time variation allows calculating the trajectory of the compressing piston in the form of a set of points (𝑡, 𝑟) at which the gas velocity and density are determined.

In this paper, the problem of shockless “compression from rest to rest” is numerically solved in the forward direction of time change if the compressing piston trajectory is known. The compression piston moves along a monotonous trajectory away from the axis or center of symmetry. It is important, when calculating in forward direction of time change, no internal characteristics are initially entered. They, like all gas flow in the calculation area, are determined in the process of direct calculation. This indicates that the trajectory of compressing piston is the recommendation for appropriate physical experiments.

[full text]
Keywords: system of equations of gas dynamics, one-dimensional flow, shockless compression

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2021.26.6.003

Bautin Sergey Petrovich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Snezhinsk Institute of Physics and Technology National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Address: 456776, Russia, Snezhinsk, Komsomol str., 8
Phone Office: (343) 221 25 49
SPIN-code: 4343-3821

Nikolaev Iurii Vladimirovich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: person working for doctors degree
Office: Snezhinsk Institute of Physics and Technology National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
Address: 456776, Russia, Snezhinsk, Komsomolskaya str., 8
SPIN-code: 5263-0161

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Bibliography link:
Bautin S.P., Nikolaev I.V. Numerical solution of the gas compression problem at a specified law of action // Computational technologies. 2021. V. 26. ¹ 6. P. 20-32
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