Article information

2021 , Volume 26, ¹ 2, p.44-57

Kurbanaliev A.Y., Oichueva B.R., Kalmurzaeva A.T., Zhainakov A.Z., Kultaev T.C.

Critical comparison of the different versions of the OpenFOAM on the simulation of spillway

The results of numerical simulation for a two-phase flow of two incompressible and immiscible liquids through a trapezoidal spillway are presented. To simulate the free boundary, we used the method of fluid volume. The aim of the work was to demonstrate the capabilities of the various versions of interFoam solver of the OpenFOAM package for modelling the considered class of flows. Numerical calculations were performed using the OpenFOAM weirOverFlow tutorial. In order to improve the consistency, usability, flexibility and ease of modifying the interFoam solver, the existing interDyMFoam solver with the local dynamic mesh adaptation function was combined with the interFoam solver with a static computational mesh. In addition, in the OpenFOAM6 package, the fvcDdtPhiCoeff coefficient used for calculating the time derivative and taking into account the Rhie – Chow correction on the collocated grid for calculating mass fluxes on the cell faces was changed in order to improve stability/accuracy and eliminate pressure oscillations at high Courant numbers. The calculation of fvcDdtPhiCoeff coefficient in OpenFOAM5 requires the density value from the current time step along with the mass flow value from the previous time step, while in OpenFOAM6, both density and mass flow values are taken from the previous time step for calculation of the fvcDdtPhiCoeff coefficient. The results of numerical calculations of the OpenFOAM6 package show that such changes lead to an excessively fast transition of the transient flow to the stationary one in comparison with other versions of the OpenFOAM package

[full text] [link to]

Keywords: numerical simulation, volume of fluid, free surface, spillway, inteFoam, interDyMFoam, weirOverFlow, OpenFOAM

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2021.26.2.004

Kurbanaliev Abdikerim Yrysbaevich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Chair
Office: Osh State University
Address: 723500, Kyrgyzstan, Osh, Lenin Street, 331
Phone Office: (996) 3222 7-22-73
SPIN-code: 3009-3537

Oichueva Burulgul Rahmanberdievna
Position: Lecture
Office: Osh State University
Address: 723500, Kyrgyzstan, Osh, Lenin Street, 331
Phone Office: (996) 770182384
SPIN-code: 7227-7952

Kalmurzaeva Anipa Tashbaevna
Position: Senior Fellow
Office: Batken State University, Kyzylkiy Pedagogical institute
Address: 720100, Kyrgyzstan, Batken, I.Zhusupov street, 21
Phone Office: (996) 772109632
SPIN-code: 2487-6190

Zhainakov Amanbek Zhainakovich
Dr. , Academician RAS, Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Development of Natural Resources named after Academician UsengazyAsanaliev
Address: 720002, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, I.Zhusupov street, 21
Phone Office: (996) 312-61-29-08

Kultaev Topchubai Chokoevich
Position: Professor
Office: Osh State University
Address: 723500, Kyrgyzstan, Osh, Lenin Street, 331
Phone Office: (996) 773122040
SPIN-code: 3848-0388

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Bibliography link:
Kurbanaliev A.Y., Oichueva B.R., Kalmurzaeva A.T., Zhainakov A.Z., Kultaev T.C. Critical comparison of the different versions of the OpenFOAM on the simulation of spillway // Computational technologies. 2021. V. 26. ¹ 2. P. 44-57
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