Article information

2019 , Volume 24, ¹ 1, p.120-135

Chebrov D.V.

Processing center Petropavlovsk in seismic subsystem of Tsunami Warning System in Russian Far East in 2010-2018

The new Tsunami Warning System in Russian Far East was created in 2006-2010, and it is on duty for more than eight years. The TWS-2010 replaced the old TWS-1958 that had been developed in 1950s after the Great Kamchatka earthquake in 1952. The main method in TWS is still the seismic method, based on the magnitude-geographical criterion. Therefore, the seismic subsystem of TWS can be called a key component that affects the characteristics of entire system. In this paper the problem of real characteristics of seismic subsystem of TWS is examined. The main characteristics that affect the entire TWS efficiency are the system reaction time and coordinate estimates accuracy. A detailed analysis of these characteristics is carried out on the example of Kamchatka. This region was chosen because of the highest seismicity and rather good system of seismic observations. Empirical distributions of system reaction times and coordinate accuracy are considered. Parameters of these distributions describe the quality of TWS processing. The detailed analysis of spatial distribution of reaction times and coordinate estimates accuracy made it possible to reveal “good” and “bad” areas for TWS processing. It was found out, that seismic subsystem of TWS shows consistently high performance throughout the entire period of operation. Reaction times and coordinate estimates accuracy satisfy the regulation requirements of TWS. The detailed analysis for spatial distribution of reaction times and coordinate estimates accuracy made it possible to conclude that most part of the Kamchatka region is covered by accurate and rapid TWS estimates. In the same time, low performance regions were revealed. Reaction times and coordinate accuracy in these regions are near the limit values, according to regulations of TWS. These low performance areas include North Kuril and Aleutian trench area (east of the Commander islands). The main reason for the reduced quality of TWS processing of earthquakes occurring in these areas is the lack of seismic observations of the Kuril and Aleutian Islands.

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Keywords: tsunami, earthquake, earthquake source, seismic station, seismic network, tsunami warning system

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2019.24.1.009

Chebrov Danila Viktorovich
Position: Director
Office: Kamchatka Branch of Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Science
Address: 683006, Russia, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii, Piip blvd, 9
Phone Office: (415) 2-43-18-01
SPIN-code: 2274-1970

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Bibliography link:
Chebrov D.V. Processing center Petropavlovsk in seismic subsystem of Tsunami Warning System in Russian Far East in 2010-2018 // Computational technologies. 2019. V. 24. ¹ 1. P. 120-135
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