Article information

2017 , Volume 22, ¹ 5, p.110-122

Hidirova M.B., Shakarov A.R.

Mathematical modelling for number dynamics of skin epidermis cellular communities at norm and anomalies

Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to develop mathematical models for dynamics of the skin epidermis cellular communities under the norm and the skin diseases.

Methodology. The paper describes the results made by using methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of functional-differential equations.

Findings. The paper concludes that number dynamics of the skin epidermis cellular communities have the following regimes: rest, stable stationary state, regular oscillations which can be identified as normal condition of the epidermis activity and irregular fluctuations with the destructive changes that conform to pathological condition of the skin.

Originality/value. The paper provides a new mathematical and computer models able to describe regulatory mechanisms in the skin epidermis at the norm and anomalies taking into account spatial and temporal relations.

[full text]
Keywords: mathematical modeling, functional-differential equations, auto-oscillations, dynamical chaos, epidermis, the skin diseases, living systems, organism

Hidirova Mohiniso Bahromovna
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Centre for the development of software and hardware program complexes at Tashkent University of Informational Technologies
Address: 100084, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Kichik xalqa yuli, 2
Phone Office: (99890)3514673

Shakarov Alisher Rasulovich
Office: Centre for the development of software and hardware program complexes at Tashkent University of Informational Technologies
Address: 100084, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Kichik xalqa yuli, 2
Phone Office: (99893)5288022

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Bibliography link:
Hidirova M.B., Shakarov A.R. Mathematical modelling for number dynamics of skin epidermis cellular communities at norm and anomalies // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. ¹ 5. P. 110-122
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