Article information

2016 , Volume 21, ¹ 5, p.77-94

Krotov K.V., Krotova T.Y.

Gradient method for construction dynamic data processing schedules in a conveyor system with various data arrival time and different priorities

Nowadays the task of handling of pipelined data using various priority programs is an actual task. High priority data is received for processing by the system at later time points. It interrupts the processing of the previously received low priority data on the conveyor segments. As the disturbance, it violates the planned course of the computational process. Reducing the effect of these disturbances is possible by building dynamic scheduling that accounts for entering the high-data system. The model of the computer data processing with different priorities, type of endpoint of generated dynamic scheduling, as well as a method of constructing dynamic scheduling along with the search for locally optimal solutions within the neighbourhood with a variety of metrics are executed for the task. The formulated method for constructing dynamic scheduling is based on the conditions that allow the determination the important data in the sequences on each segment of the pipeline. The order in these sequences can be changed, and the data order may be not. For data, for which the order of the processing sequences can be changed, a dynamic schedule based on the received high-priority data is arranged. Comparison of the results based on the dynamic scheduling that uses this method and the results of the build schedules, which use the heuristic rules is completed. The heuristic rules take into account the priorities for organizing data in a sequence of processing them on the conveyor segments. Studies have shown that this method for construction of the dynamic scheduling is 25-40 % more efficient then the procedure that uses heuristic rules that take into account these priorities.

[full text]
Keywords: conveyor system, data processing, programs execution schedule, greedy algorithm, dynamic scheduling, priorities

Krotov Kirill Victorovich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Office: Sevastopol State University
Address: 290053, Russia, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya street, 33
Phone Office: (8692)435-364

Krotova Tatiana Yurievna
Position: Senior Fellow
Office: Sevastopol State University
Address: 290053, Russia, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya street, 33
Phone Office: (8692)435-100

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Bibliography link:
Krotov K.V., Krotova T.Y. Gradient method for construction dynamic data processing schedules in a conveyor system with various data arrival time and different priorities // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. ¹ 5. P. 77-94
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