Article information

2016 , Volume 21, ¹ 2, p.26-41

Nasibullayev I.S.

The development of a computer model for the main element of the fuel metering unit

The purpose of this paper is to construct an element of the computational stand for a servo-piston induced by periodic pressure gradient. The research takes into account the elasticity of the spring and friction forces.

Solution of the problem is done by numerical modelling of inhomogeneous ODE (Runge-Kutta method). Analysis of the results of computer simulation carried out by methods of computational experiment. Response functions and leading factors were found.

It was shown that after finite number of periods periodic and symmetrical response of the system is established. Leading factors of piston motion are elasticity of the spring, the amplitude of the pressure gradient and the frequency of the pressure gradient.

In the framework of computational stand we present a method of constructing a control signal for the associated element of the response function, a scheme for calculating the rate of heating due to friction, the correction of the frictional force due to thermal expansion as well as the change of the spring elasticity due to heating.

In this paper we introduced an element of a computer stand servo-piston connecting external factors (form of external pressure gradient) with the response function (motion of the piston) and changes in internal factors during the process. The main advantage of this approach is the replacement of the complete simulation by approximation, which allows calculations in real time.

The proposed scheme for constructing a computer model of the element is universal and can be used to develop models of other elements, and also to build the computational stand for the system of elements.

[full text]
Keywords: fuel metering unit, servo-piston, computational experiment, a full factorial experiment, the orthogonal central compositional planning, computer stand

Nasibullayev Ildar Shamilevich
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Mavlutov Institute of Mechanics
Address: 450054, Russia, Ufa, Pr. Oktyabrya street, Ufa
Phone Office: (347)2355255
SPIN-code: 9936-2067

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Bibliography link:
Nasibullayev I.S. The development of a computer model for the main element of the fuel metering unit // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. ¹ 2. P. 26-41
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