Article information

2016 , Volume 21, ¹ 1, p.80-91

Kirbizhekova I.I., Chimitdorzhiev T.N., Labarov B.B., Bykov M.E., Baltuhaev A.K.

Study of features of the complex use of radar interferometry and polarimetry using TanDEM-x and the sub-pixel analysis of images Landsat-8 for the forest resource assessment

In this article, we discuss the aspects and opportunities of applying InSAR and PolSAR methods applied TanDEM-X data on example of the Baikal-Kudarinsk Forestry of Buryatia. In order to monitor and add the results we use multispectral Landsat-8 data. Investigation was conducted in three directions: 1) determination of the trees height by DInSAR; 2) determination of the forest species by PolSAR decomposition methods; 3) distribution of the forest species by sub-pixel analysis methods of multispectral images.

Verification of interferometric measurements methodology for the forest height estimations is carried by a sub-satellite geodetic GPS-measurements. It is confirmed that the InSAR-measurements of the pine forest canopy height is lower by 1-2 meters compared to the individual trees heights. That accounts annual trees growth and the height InSAR measurements error is assessed to be less than 3 meters.

The studies of PolSAR data potential application with dual polarization (VV, VH) for forest mapping have been conducted. We generated three versions of the coherence matrix: two monostatic for active TerraSAR and passive TanDEM and one bistatic for a set of both satellites data. The results of Wishart H-A-α classification have turned out to be not quite satisfactory, possibly due to winter time of surveys.

The article also discusses the method for determination of the forests species composition based on the linear spectral mixing method. We conducted a spectral decomposition of the multispectral Landsat-8 data and obtained an estimation for the evaluation of the main spectral components “weight”. As a result, maps of the spatial distribution of forest species at the test sites were obtained.

[full text]
Keywords: satellite radar, differential interferometry, polarimetric decomposition, sub-pixel analysis, forest mapping, GPS-measurement

Kirbizhekova Irina Ivanovna
PhD. , Associate Professor
Office: Institute of Physical Material Science of the SB RAS
Address: 670047, Russia, Ulan-Ude, 6, Sakhyanovoy str.
Phone Office: (3012) 434819
SPIN-code: 2463-0726

Chimitdorzhiev Tumen Namzhilovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Sector
Office: Institute of Physical Material Science of the SB RAS
Address: 670047, Russia, Ulan-Ude, 6, Sakhyanovoy str.
Phone Office: (3012) 416981
SPIN-code: 3968-0614

Labarov Balchin Bairovich
Position: Senior Fellow
Office: Buryat State Agricultural Academy V.R. Filippova
Address: 670047, Russia, Ulan-Ude, 10 Pushkin Street

Bykov Michael Evgenievich
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Physical Institute of Materials Science
Address: 670047, Russia, Ulan-Ude, ul. Sakhyanovoy 6
Phone Office: (3012)434819
SPIN-code: 4998-4025

Baltuhaev Arkady Kondratievich
Position: Leading Engineer
Office: Physical Institute of Materials Science
Address: 670047, Russia, Ulan-Ude, ul. Sakhyanovoy 6
Phone Office: (3012)667200
SPIN-code: 5702-7486

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Bibliography link:
Kirbizhekova I.I., Chimitdorzhiev T.N., Labarov B.B., Bykov M.E., Baltuhaev A.K. Study of features of the complex use of radar interferometry and polarimetry using TanDEM-x and the sub-pixel analysis of images Landsat-8 for the forest resource assessment // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. ¹ 1. P. 80-91
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