Article information

2015 , Volume 20, ¹ 6, p.46-58

Mikhaylenko C.I., Kuleshov V.S.

Numerical modelling of inhomogeneity scale of a flow rate behind the porous barrier

The transfer processes in granular layer were actively investigated by M.A. Goldshtik in 1970-1980 s. During the extensive experimental studies of the gas flow rate directly behind the bulk granular layer it was found that the rate in the near wall area could be higher than the value in the center of the channel. At the same time the layer of porous medium should have an equalizing effect on the velocity profile. Goldshtik M.A. put forward two hypotheses about the causes of the near-wall jet formation in the channel. The first one is connected with the fact that near the wall porosity of granular medium is uneven, and increased to one in the vicinity of a wall of the channel, and the second hypotheses concerns with the deformation of the surface layer of granular medium by the incoming fluid flow. The mathematical model considers the volume fraction of gas and granular medium, and an interfacial interaction force determined by the spatially averaged force. In addition, it is assumed that the pressure of disperse phase matches with gas phase pressure. In this note, a numerical approach based on the large particles method, modified for multiphase flows is presented. In addition, the parallel software code has been developed based on MPI and OpenMP techniques which allow implementing the numerical experiments on large spatio-temporal grids, reaching half a million grid nodes. The phenomenon of hydrodynamic heterogeneities beyond a homogeneous layer is numerically investigated. This study demonstrates the influence of the granular layer’s geometry and porosity changes near the channel edge on the character and inhomogeneity scale of a flow rate behind the barrier. The main Goldshtik’s hypothesis is confirmed. The results of numerical modelling are compared with experimental data. It is shown that the effect due to the increasing of porosity at the channel edge is small. The results of numerical modelling are compared with experimental data.

[full text]
Keywords: multiphase systems, dispersed medium, mathematical modelling, numerical experiment, high performance computing

Mikhaylenko Constantin Ivanovich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Mavlutov's Institute of Mechanics
Address: 450054, Russia, Ufa
Phone Office: (347)292-14-10
SPIN-code: 1520-5430

Kuleshov Vasiliy Sergeevich
Position: Student
Office: Mavlutov's Institute of Mechanics
Address: 450054, Russia, Ufa, 71, prospect Oktyabrya
Phone Office: (347)292-14-10

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Bibliography link:
Mikhaylenko C.I., Kuleshov V.S. Numerical modelling of inhomogeneity scale of a flow rate behind the porous barrier // Computational technologies. 2015. V. 20. ¹ 6. P. 46-58
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