Article information
2015 , Volume 20, ¹ 4, p.29-44
Demenkov A.G., Chernykh G.G.
Mathematical modelling of turbulent wakes with varied total excess momentum
The turbulent wakes behind towed and self-propelled bodies in homogeneous fluid are an obvious example of jet turbulent flows with a varied value of total excess momentum. The turbulent wakes are also characterized by a considerably varying ratio Ρ /ε, where Ρ is the generation of turbulence energy due to gradients of the averaged motion, and ε is the rate of dissipation of the turbulence energy to heat. In momentumless turbulent wakes even on distances of about ten diameters of the body this ratio is rather small. In drag turbulent wakes behind slender axisymmetric bodies the ratio Ρ /ε is close to unity. In present paper we consider flows in some turbulent wakes with varied total excess momentum. For description of the flow in turbulent wakes we use the system of averaged equations of motion in thin shear viscous layer approach. This system is not closed. Based on non-equilibrium Rodi’s algebraic stress model, the numerical model for turbulent wakes has been constructed. Sufficient universality of the applied algebraic model is caused by the possibility of considering the influence of the parameter Ρ /ε. The results of calculations are in a good agreement with known experimental data. Based on the modified mathematical model which takes into account the substantial variation of the Reynolds turbulent number in the process of turbulent flow decay, the numerical simulation of the final stage degeneration for axisymmetic wakes with zero and small nonzero total excess momentum was carried out.
[full text] Keywords: Plane and axisymmetric turbulent wakes vith varied total excess momentum, numerical modelling, asymptotic degeneration of axysimmetric turbulent wakes
Author(s): Demenkov Andrei Gennadievich PhD. Position: Senior Research Scientist Office: Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Ac. Lavrentyev Ave., 1
Phone Office: (383) 3308128 E-mail: Chernykh Gennadiy Georgievich Dr. , Professor Position: General Scientist Office: Federal research center for information and computational technologies Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Ac. Laverntiev ave., 6
Phone Office: (383) 3308128 E-mail: SPIN-code: 9158-9052 References: [1] Naudascher, E. Flow in the wake of a self-propelled bodies and related sources of turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1965; 22(4):625–656.
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Bibliography link: Demenkov A.G., Chernykh G.G. Mathematical modelling of turbulent wakes with varied total excess momentum // Computational technologies. 2015. V. 20. ¹ 4. P. 29-44