Article information

2015 , Volume 20, ¹ 4, p.45-55

Muzaev I.D., Muzaev N.I.

Mathematical modeling of seismic fluctuations in a system consisting of reservoir, dam, base block and subbase layers of the earth

In this article we develop a mathematical model for seismic fluctuations of a system consisting of schematized reservoirs, dams, base block and subbase layers of the soil massif. The model is a contact boundary value problem for a differential equation of the potential movement of water in the reservoir, the differential equation fluctuations cantilever beam (beam model of the dam), as well as differential equations of transverse (shear) oscillations of two layers subbase solid ground. These equations are interconnected through the boundary conditions at the contact surfaces. The boundary value problem is solved analytically. Initially we solve the hydrodynamic part of the initialboundary value problem. It consists of a differential equation of elliptic type with variable coefficients. The variability owes to factors due to the non prismatic configuration of the dam part of the reservoir, which is approximated by an exponential function of two spatial variables. With this approximation, an exact analytic solution of this differential equation with variable coefficients was found. In the process of solving the boundary problem we obtain an integral-differential equation of Fredholm type, which was solved using approximations. Numerical experiments have shown that the inclusion of the hydrodynamic water pressure at the upstream side of the dam significantly increases the amplitude of the displacement velocity and acceleration for oscillations of the dam. This effect must be considered when designing the construction. Results of the computational experiments allowed us to research and design the hydraulic structures and to properly choose the place of construction and dimensions of the structures that minimize the dynamic effects of the incident on the system of seismic waves.

[full text]
Keywords: Seismic fluctuations of system, subbase layer of the soil massif, contact regional task, shift waves, neutral axis, potential movement of water

Muzaev Illarion Davidovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Geophysical Institute of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Scienties
Address: 362002, Russia, Vladikavkaz, 93a, Markov St.
Phone Office: (8672)76-40-31
SPIN-code: 9346-8949

Muzaev Nugzar Illarionovich
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Center of Geophysical Investigations of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Government of Republic of North Ossetia -Alania
Address: 362002, Russia, Vladikavkaz, 93a Markov St.,
Phone Office: (8672)76-40-31


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Bibliography link:
Muzaev I.D., Muzaev N.I. Mathematical modeling of seismic fluctuations in a system consisting of reservoir, dam, base block and subbase layers of the earth // Computational technologies. 2015. V. 20. ¹ 4. P. 45-55
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