Article information

1999 , Volume 4, ¹ 3, p.3-7

Abdukadyrov A.A., Takhirdjanov M., Yuldashev Z.K.

Modelling steam generator boiler as an interval logic dynamic system

The paper treats the methodology development of modeling boilers in ferrous metallurgy under conditions of interval uncertainty of the input. The need to apply the object interval logic dynamic system as a mathematical model is substantiated. The numerical results of modeling some specific boilers are considered.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*65C20 Models, numerical methods
65G40 General methods in interval analysis
65Z05 Applications to physics
82C26 Dynamic and nonequilibrium phase transitions (general)
Classificator Computer Science:
*G.3 Probability and Statistics
G.1.0 General (Numerical Analysis)
I.6.4 Model Validation and Analysis
J.2 Physical Sciences and Engineering (Computer Applications)

Keywords: logic dynamic system, boiler, ferrous metallurgy, interval analysis

Abdukadyrov A.A.
Office: Tashkent State University
Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Takhirdjanov M.
Office: Tashkent State University
Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Yuldashev Ziyavid Khabibovich
Dr. , Professor
Office: Tashkent State University
Address: 700095, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, A. Niyazova str. 19-65

Bibliography link:
Abdukadyrov A.A., Takhirdjanov M., Yuldashev Z.K. Modelling steam generator boiler as an interval logic dynamic system // Computational technologies. 1999. V. 4. ¹ 3. P. 3-7
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