Article information

2011 , Volume 16, ¹ 1, p.85-93

Isaev V.I., Shapeev V.P., Idimeshev S.V.

High-accuracy versions of the collocations and least squares method for numerical solution of the Poisson equation

An approach for constructing high-accuracy versions of the collocations and least squares method for numerical solution of the Poisson equation is proposed. New versions up to the eighth order of accuracy are implemented. Numerical experiments on a sequence of grids have shown that for the case of sufficiently smooth solution they provide an approximate solution that converge to the exact one with a high order of accuracy when $hto0$. Here, $h$ is the maximum linear cell size of a grid

[full text]
Keywords: numerical methods, collocations and least squares method, high order of accuracy, Poisson equation

Isaev Vadim Ismailovitch
Position: Student
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 330 73 46

Shapeev Vasily Pavlovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Institutskaya Str., 4/1
Phone Office: (383) 330 27 13
SPIN-code: 7128-5536

Idimeshev Semyon Vasilyevich
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Akademika Rzhanova ave., 6
Phone Office: (383)330-93-61
SPIN-code: 3793-6120

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Bibliography link:
Isaev V.I., Shapeev V.P., Idimeshev S.V. High-accuracy versions of the collocations and least squares method for numerical solution of the Poisson equation // Computational technologies. 2011. V. 16. ¹ 1. P. 85-93
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