Article information

2010 , Volume 15, ¹ 6, p.75-80

Jumagulov B.T., Massanov Z.K., Azhikhanov N.T.

Applied programs package for the productivity analysis of a differently oriented well in a deformed pan-layered anisotropic media

This paper addresses the problem of determining the productivity of a horizontal well in a pan-layered anisotropic inclined media. The influence of the stress-strain state is accounted in the model.

[full text]
Keywords: Model of filtration, FEM, horizontal well, productivity, deformable media, stress-strain state

Jumagulov B T
Dr. , Professor
Position: Chancellor
Office: Kazakh national university named by Al-Farabi
Address: Kazakhstan, Almatu

Massanov ZHaylau Kabylbekovich
Dr. , Professor
Office: Kazakh academy of transport and communications named by M. Tynyshpaev
Address: 050012, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Shevchenko st., 97

Azhikhanov Nurlan Tobakhanovich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Office: International kazakh-turkish university by named K.A. Yasawi
Address: 161200, Kazakhstan, Turkestan, Shevchenko st., 97

Bibliography link:
Jumagulov B.T., Massanov Z.K., Azhikhanov N.T. Applied programs package for the productivity analysis of a differently oriented well in a deformed pan-layered anisotropic media // Computational technologies. 2010. V. 15. ¹ 6. P. 75-80
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