Article information

2010 , Volume 15, ¹ 2, p.31-40

Kozuhar V., Pushkov S.

A method of the state space realization of dynamical systems on the triangular fuzzy numbers

The problem for the realization of linear discrete-time dynamical systems over the triangular fuzzy numbers is considered.This work is a generalization of the approach to the problem of realization for the class of interval dynamical systems. The concept of a linear dynamic system with discrete time over fuzzy numbers is introduced. The method for finding the fuzzy algebraic realization for a sequence of matrices over fuzzy triangular numbers is offered. The presented method is illustrated by numerical examples

[full text]
Keywords: dynamical systems, realization problems, state space, fuzzy triangular numbers

Kozuhar Victoria
Position: Senior Fellow
Office: Biysk branch of Altay State University
Address: 659302, Russia, Biisk, Socialist street, 123/1
Phone Office: (3854) 254 563

Pushkov Sergey
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Chair
Office: Orenburg State University
Address: 460018, Russia, Orenburg, Pobedy avenue, 13
Phone Office: (3532) 372 535

Bibliography link:
Kozuhar V., Pushkov S. A method of the state space realization of dynamical systems on the triangular fuzzy numbers // Computational technologies. 2010. V. 15. ¹ 2. P. 31-40
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