Article information

2009 , Volume 14, ¹ 2, p.124-132

Torgashov A.Y.

Estimation of reaction rates and unknown external disturbances in a biotechnological process

A problem of the combined estimation of reaction rates and unmeasured external disturbances for a biotechnological object is considered. The inverse dynamic bioreactor model and regularization operator are used to solve the formulated problem. The proposed solution is robust even when the available measured process variables are corrupted by noise with unknown statistical characteristics.

[full text]
Keywords: biotechnological plant, unmeasured external disturbances, parameter estimation, regularization operator

Torgashov A.Yu.
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Address: Russia, Vladivostok
Phone Office: (4232) 31-02-02

Bibliography link:
Torgashov A.Y. Estimation of reaction rates and unknown external disturbances in a biotechnological process // Computational technologies. 2009. V. 14. ¹ 2. P. 124-132
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