Article information

2008 , Volume 13, Special issue, p.80-89

Kostrykin S.V.

Selection of an optimal advection scheme for WAM-4 wave prediction model

Some results of the test experiments using the full WAM-4 wave model incorporating the new advection scheme are presented. For the typical grid resolution a substantial improvement of the mean wave height for 1--2 days forecast is obtained. It is shown that with the new advection scheme an increase of resolution in the angular coordinate leads to a substantial improvement of the medium-range forecasts.

[full text]
Keywords: advection scheme, wave prediction

Kostrykin Sergey Vladimirovich
Position: person working for doctors degree
Office: Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS
Address: 119991, Russia, Moscow, ul. Gubkina, 8.
Phone Office: (095) 938 37 72

Bibliography link:
Kostrykin S.V. Selection of an optimal advection scheme for WAM-4 wave prediction model // Computational technologies. 2008. V. 13. Special issue 3. P. 80-89
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