Article information

2007 , Volume 12, Special issue, p.20-28

Gordov E.P., Okladnikov I.G., Titov A.G.

Development of elements of a web-based information-computational system for studies of regional environment processes

In this paper we present our results on development of the web-based technologies for an information-computational system aimed at an interdisciplinary study of the Siberian environment dynamics. This dynamics is driven by the natural and anthropogenic factors. The current state of the system developed for processing and visualization of meteorological and climatic data is reported. In particular, the system allows calculat-ing the dynamic and statistical characteristics of the corresponding meteorological and climatic parameters in the selected region. Also described is a web based system for the air quality assessment at the city of Tomsk and its suburbs. This system relies on the results of numerical modeling of air pollution transport and transformation processes. GrADS open source software has been used for visualization of results. The graphical user interface is implemented using HTML, PHP and JavaScript languages.

[full text]

Gordov Evgeny Petrovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological System SB RAS
Address: 634055, Russia, Tomsk, 10/3, Akademicheski av.
Phone Office: (3822)492187
SPIN-code: 2612-5844

Okladnikov Igor Georgievich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological System SB RAS, Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS
Address: 634055, Russia, Tomsk, 10/3, Akademicheski av.
Phone Office: (3822)492187
SPIN-code: 8577-5138

Titov A.G.
Address: 634055, Russia, Tomsk, 10/3, Akademicheski av.

Bibliography link:
Gordov E.P., Okladnikov I.G., Titov A.G. Development of elements of a web-based information-computational system for studies of regional environment processes // Computational technologies. 2007. V. 12. Special issue 3. GIS and Web Technologies for Interdisciplinary Studies. Proceedings of the SB RAS Research Program 4.5.2. Issue I. . P. 20-28
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