Article information
1998 , Volume 3, ¹ 3, p.85-93
Shokina N.Y.
Numerical modeling of two-dimensional steady-state flows of fluid and gas using adaptive grids
Numerical modeling of two-dimensional steady-state flows of fluid and gas using adaptive grids. A finite-difference method of calculating of plane steady-state flows of ideal incompressible fluid and gas in the channels of complicated geometry with inlet, outlet and impermeable walls is presented. For numerical solving of the problem new dependent variables - stream functionand vorticityare introduced. The problems of constructing a curvilinear grids, obtaining of finite-difference approximations on these grids, calculating of vorticity on the inlet are discussed. The results of calculating of test problem about the steady-state non-isoenergetical vortex gas flow in curvilinear channel.
[full text] Classificator Msc2000:- *76B47 Vortex flows
- 76M20 Finite difference methods
- 76N10 Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory
Keywords: inlet, outlet, stream function, channels of complicated geometry, curvilinear grids, vorticity, non-isoenergetical vortex gas flow
Author(s): Shokina Nina Yurievna PhD. Position: Research Scientist Office: Medical Center University of Freiburg Address: 79106, Germany, Freiburg, Killianstrasse, 5a
Phone Office: (49761) 270 73930 E-mail: SPIN-code: 8680-7439 Bibliography link: Shokina N.Y. Numerical modeling of two-dimensional steady-state flows of fluid and gas using adaptive grids // Computational technologies. 1998. V. 3. ¹ 3. P. 85-93