Article information
2007 , Volume 12, Special issue, p.169-177
Zagorulko Y.A.
Ontology-based building of scientific knowledge portals
This paper presents an approach to development of specialized Internet portals, which provide content-based access to knowledge and information resources relating to the given field of knowledge. The information basis of the portal is formed by an ontology. This allows us to provide uniform representation of heterogeneous knowledge and data and their connectivity. The ontology serves as a basis for the portal's content management, the semantic search and the knowledge-driven navigation in the information space of the portal.
[full text] Author(s): Zagorulko Yu.A. Address: Russia, Novosibirsk
Bibliography link: Zagorulko Y.A. Ontology-based building of scientific knowledge portals // Computational technologies. 2007. V. 12. Special issue. P. 169-177