Article information

2007 , Volume 12, Special issue, p.154-168

Yudkin V.A.

An attempt of mathematical-cartographic modelling of distribution of birds

An unusual method of birds distribution modelling is proposed. It is based on a number of conceptual models, which describe influence of environment factors on bird's density. The process of modelling simulates the most probable response of the birds population to the combination of the ambient environment factors. These mathematical models became a basis for the desigh of the cartographical models. The necessary information on factors is obtained from the aerophotographic maps and satellite images. Knowledge about population levels in the actual year can be obtained with the help of selective data. Large-scale maps are created by the raster method. Raster maps, which represent spatial distribution of birds, are the most informative. Small-scale maps are prepared by using the contour method and the method of quantitative polygons. The algorithm of creation of these maps and an estimation of their reliability are presented.

[full text]

Yudkin V.A.
Address: Russia, Novosibirsk

Bibliography link:
Yudkin V.A. An attempt of mathematical-cartographic modelling of distribution of birds // Computational technologies. 2007. V. 12. Special issue. P. 154-168
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