Article information
2007 , Volume 12, ¹ 3, p.87-108
Svetashkov A.A.
On a solution of the 2D elasticity problems using the diagonal equilibrium equation set
A method of diagonalization of the differential equations governing the 2D elastic equilibrium in strains is presented. The equivalence of the diagonalized differential equations of elastic equilibrium and the two Cauchi - Riman systems for harmonically connected functions is shown. In the case of the given strains at the boundaries, a set of the boundary conditions for the functions satisfying the Cauchi - Riman system is formulated. Some examples are presented.
[full text] Author(s): Svetashkov A A Dr. , Senior Scientist Position: Professor Address: Russia, Tomsk
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Bibliography link: Svetashkov A.A. On a solution of the 2D elasticity problems using the diagonal equilibrium equation set // Computational technologies. 2007. V. 12. ¹ 3. P. 87-108